Adjustable sliding wardrobe door panel carriage and roller suits Stegbar and other major brands.
Replaces 1-2190.
Can use 1-2230 as replacement.
$19.01 incl. GST
Adjustable sliding wardrobe door panel carriage and roller suits Stegbar and other major brands.
Replaces 1-2190.
Can use 1-2230 as replacement.
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* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Adjustable stainless steel carriage with nylon roller suits Windus sliding doors.
9000 series adjustable aluminium sliding door dual roller carriage, replaces Aluminium Systems roller carriage 1-1730. *This product has been replaced by 1-1707*
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Adjustable sliding glass door carriage with nylon roller suits old Stegbar doors.
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Adjustable aluminium sliding door carriage with nylon roller suits old Bradnams doors. Replacement roller is 2-2210
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Timberline sliding door stainless steel carriage with brass roller
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Adjustable sliding door carriage with nylon roller
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Adjustable timber sliding door carriage with dual nylon rollers.
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Adjustable sliding door carriage with nylon roller suits Southern Star 100 Series sliding doors. This item will replace 1-1491.
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