* Section 2 - Rollers
32mm nylon roller with 18.4mm long axel and 6.5mm wide axle.
* Section 3 - Screen Door Rollers & Guides
CiiLock blue roller and brass bearing spring loaded security door roller, with no offset. Perfect for coastal application with brass axel for corrosion resistance. *will fit and replace standard security door rollers *
Trend screen door hanger and guide set. No longer available Replacement roller use 3-3020
* Section 3 - Screen Door Rollers & Guides
5 piece shower screen set suits Ultima/ Boral. Includes 2 rail end caps, left and right guide blocks and a fixed panel anchor. Made up of 2x 3-3600, 1x 3-3610, 1x 3-3620 and 1x 3-3650
* Section 3 - Screen Door Rollers & Guides
Bottom guide block set of 2. 1x left (3-4020) and 1x right (3-4030) to suit Boral/ Capral Elite shower screen. Used in conjunction with 3-4000, 3-4010 and 3-4320