Section 6 – Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Slimline flyscreen finger pull to suit narrow flyscreen frame.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Standard black flyscreen finger pull suits 11mm flyscreen frames.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Standard white flyscreen finger pull suit most screen frames. (clear pictured)
Standard flyscreen finger pull suit most 11mm screen frames.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black fly screen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Brown fly screen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White fly screen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear fly screen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic flyscreen casement turnbutton with 11mm leg. Used with 11mm flyscreen frame 6-323
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Left and right flyscreen retaining clip set including 2 x 6-1060 rivets suits old Dowell sliding windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
3/16″ aluminium rivet to suit 6-1050 plastic Dowell flyscreen swivel clips.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen retaining clip to suit Comalco Wunderlich 1C Series sliding windows and others.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic spring loaded flyscreen plunger pin.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium flyscreen spring plunger – use 5/32 & 7/32 drill sizes
Black plastic spring loaded flyscreen saddle plunger pin. 6-1110 and 6-1113 are direct replacements.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic spring loaded flyscreen saddle plunger. Did you know I am also available in WHITE 6-1113. Will replace 6-1100, same fixing points.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White plastic flyscreen saddle plunger. Will directly replace for 6-1110 & 6-1100, same fixing holes.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic flyscreen locating clip suits Comalco Wunderlich 1C Series sliding windows. Used in both the jamb and mullion of the frame.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen retaining clip used on Stegbar sliding windows. This item is fitted into the mullion (middle) of the window. See part 6-1140 for the jamb clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen retaining clip used on Stegbar sliding windows. This item is fitted into the jamb (side) of the window. See part 6-1130 for the mullion clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Rivet on flyscreen finger pull with slide plunger tab.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen lift tab with plunger suits, sill position. This item has been discontinued.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black right angle flyscreen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear polycarbonate face fix raised flyscreen handle.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black aluminium flyscreen flush handle. See also 6-1193 for white version.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White aluminium flyscreen flush handle. See 6-1190 for black version.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic flyscreen tension clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic flyscreen casement clip with 9.5mm leg to suit narrow framed flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White plastic flyscreen casement clip with 9.5mm leg to suit narrow framed flyscreen’s.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Grey plastic flyscreen casement clip with 9.5mm leg to suit narrow framed flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Wedge type swivel flyscreen retaining clip suits early Wunderlich 1W series sliding windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Screw fix flyscreen retaining toggle suits Wunderlich 1W series sliding windows. This item is screwed into the frame jamb of the window. Will replace early version with steel roll pin.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White plastic butterfly flush swivel clip. See 6-1245 for clear version.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear plastic butterfly flush swivel clip. See 6-1243 for white version.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Pressed stainless steel retaining clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Stainless steel flyscreen tension spring to suit AMP MK7 sliding windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Pressed stainless steel top retaining clip to suit Capral 571 & 581 series double hung windows with full height flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Trend metal flyscreen retaining clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
3mm offset plastic flyscreen retaining clip to suit Capral Platinum and Boral/Dowell awning and casement windows. (Black Pictured)
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
6mm offset plastic flyscreen retaining clip to suit current/ later version Dowell awning and casement windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Frame jamb swivel clip to suit flyscreens fitted on Boral BST sliding windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Spring steel top tension spring for flyscreens. Inserts into mitre joint during assembly.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear plastic flyscreen friction hinge suitable for 11mm flyscreen frame.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White plastic flyscreen friction hinge suitable for 11mm flyscreen frame.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium flyscreen friction hinge suits 11mm flyscreen frame.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium face mounted flyscreen hinge suits 11mm flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Spring loaded plastic flyscreen retaining clip suits Southern Star windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Sliding window flyscreen swivels retaking clip suits Capral 380, 480 & 580 series windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic wrap around flyscreen clip suits Southern Star Windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic flyscreen retention clip suits 11mm flyscreen framing.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear polycarbonate flyscreen retention clip suits 11mm flyscreen framing.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic flyscreen retaining clip suits G James awning windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black metal fly screen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White metal fly screen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Zinc metal fly screen casement clip with 1.6mm leg.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black metal fly screen casement clip with 11mm leg. See part 6-1420 for fixing screw.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
White metal fly screen casement clip with 11mm leg. See part 6-1420 for fixing screw.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Zinc metal fly screen casement clip with 11mm leg. See part 6-1420 for fixing screw.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Phillips head screw to suit 6-1410, 6-1413 and 6-1414 metal 11mm flyscreen turnbuttons.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear polycarbonate flyscreen locating pin. (Black pictured)
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic flyscreen locating pin.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clea polycarbonate flush swivel turnclip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic flyscreen retention clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen retaining clip to suit old Boral windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic flyscreen retention clip suits 9mm flyscreen framing.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear polycarbonate flyscreen retention clip suits 9mm flyscreen framing.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black plastic flyscreen retention clip suits Viewmax sliding windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Black aluminium flyscreen pull/lift handle.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Rivet on stainless spring steel flyscreen tension spring suitable for vertical sliding flyscreens in channel.
Spring steel flyscreen tension retaining spring suits old Trimview sliding windows. *This product is now discontinued. We do not have a replacement unfortunately*
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic flyscreen retaining clip suits Vantage series 503/ 504 sliding window flyscreen jamb clip 6.9mm wide. Used with 6-1540 mullion retaining clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Vantage windows series 501/ 502 retaining flyscreen jamb clip, 8.6mm wide. Used with 6-1541 mullion retaining clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Mullion clip to suit series 501/ 503 Vantage flyscreen retaining clip used with 6-1531
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Awning flyscreen clip, suits Bradnams Essential suite.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Awning flyscreen clip, suits Bradnams Signature suite.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen retaining clip used on Boral awning windows with extruded screen frame. Used with 6-2290 and 6-324.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Top & bottom flyscreen retaining clip, to suit Jason windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Late model flyscreen retaining clip to suit Jason windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear polycarbonate clip to suit security screens fitted to Wintec sliding windows.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Clear plastic turnbutton with 28.6mm leg. Often used for timber flyscreen.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen clip to suit A&L Windows, pack 2.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Mill finish aluminium flyscreen hanger set.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Jockey cap style top flyscreen retaining clip to suit old Trend sliding windows. Used with 6-1850 bottom slide plunger.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen top retaining clip suits old Wunderlich 3W Series double hung windows fitted with full height flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen top retaining clip suits Boral 9000 Series double hung windows fitted with full height flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen catch block corner suits Boral square cut flyscreens. Used with 6-2000 & 6-2020. Black only.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flysreen hinge block pair suits Boral square cut flyscreens used with 6-2010. Black only.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Engineered plastic flyscreen slide clip to suit old Trend sliding windows. This clip is used in conjunction with the 6-1770 top clip.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic spacer button used on old MTM & Adelaide Windows sliding window flyscreens.
Old Boral double hung window flyscreen catch lever used with 6-1800 and 6-2020.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Top hinge hook to suit old Boral double hung windows used with 6-1810. *Please note this part is now 3D printed*
Catch lever retaining pin used on old Boral double hung windows with 6-2000 on 6-1800.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium spreader bar clip suits roll-form flyscreen spreader bar on flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic crossbrace clip suits 25 x 11 fly frame to create spreader bar on flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Awning flyscreen corner stake used with 6-324 flyscreen frame on Boral windows. Used with 6-1570.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Fllyscreen corner stake to suit Stegbar 9mm frame.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium corner stake suits SW3 security screen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium corner stake suits SW4 security screen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Pressed aluminium corner stake suits SW1 security screen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner suits 21 x 8.5mm rollform flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium corner suits 21 x 9mm frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner stake to suit 9mm flyscreen frame 6-3220 etc (Alspec FS3)
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner stake to suit 11mm flyscreen frame 6-323 (Alspec FS2)
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner suits 6-322 9mm flyscreen frame (FS3).
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner to suit 6-323 (FS2) flyscreen frame – 4 hole Black
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner to suit 6-323 (FS2) flyscreen frame – 4 hole White
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic flyscreen corner suits 25 x 11 rollform flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium flyscreen corner suits 25 x 11 flyscreen rollform frame typically found in your local hardware store.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner stake suits Wunderlich 19 x 11mm flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium flyscreen corner suits 21 x 9 flyscreen frame. No Longer available.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium flyscreen corner suits 19 x 8 flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner stake to suit 6-323 (FS2) flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner stake suits 6-3220 flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium flyscreen corner stake suits 19 x 11 flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic flyscreen corner stake suits 25 x 11 rollform flyscreen frame
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner stake suits 25×11 rollform flyscreen frame, typically found in your local hardware store.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic corner stakes suits 25x11mm rollform flyscreen frame you find in most local hardware stores.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen port hole. Used to create access to window handles through flyscreen.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Double ended spline roller tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Plastic mitre box suitable for hand cutting aluminium flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Replacement axle retaining cap to suit Pro Multi spline installation tool 6-3000.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Replacement axle to suit 6-3000 Pro Multi spline installation tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Replacement 4mm convex roller to suit 6-3000 Pro Multi spline installation tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Replacement 3mm concave roller to suit 6-3000 Pro Multi spline installation tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Replacement 4mm concave roller to suit 6-3000 Pro Multi spline installation tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Spline installation tool with replaceable rollers. Kit comes complete with: 1 x 3mm concave roller 1 x 4mm concave roller 1 x 4mm convex roller.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen spline installation tool with replaceable rollers.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Replacement roller axle to suit 6-3010 spline roller.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen spline installation tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
3mm replacement roller to suit 6-3010 spline installation tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
4mm replacement roller to suit 6-3010 spline installation tool.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
3.7mm PVC flyscreen spline by the metre
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
4.0mm PVC flyscreen spline by the metre
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
4.6mm PVC flyscreen spline by the metre
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
5.0mm PVC flyscreen spline
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
5.3mm PVC flyscreen spline by the metre
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
5.7mm PVC flyscreen spline
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
6.0mm PVC flyscreen spline
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
6.3mm PVC flyscreen spline by the metre
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Fibreglass flywire mesh, used for flyscreens, hinged security doors and sliding flyscreen doors.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Aluminium flywire mesh, used to rewire security doors, sliding flyscreen doors and flyscreens.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Petmesh polyester flywire mesh, designed stronger the your standard mesh ideal for pets and children. Can be used for fly screens and fly doors. Flexible and easy to install.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
2.5 metre length – 9mm thick extruded flyscreen frame *Primrose Pictured* Use corner stakes 6-2470 or 6-2560 *Please note if you are using 9mm frame with fibreglass flywire you need to use 6mm spline*
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
2.5 metre length – 11mm thick extruded flyscreen frame *Bronze Pictured* Use corner stakes 6-2480, 6-2490 or 6-2550
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Boral awning window flyscreen frame, sold as a 2m lengths Extruded flyscreen frame to suit Boral Awning Windows (use corner stake 6-229) (Clear anodized pictured)
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen riser for awning windows comes as a 2150mm length Used with 11mm flyscreen frame 6-323 (natural anodized pictured)
Zone Hardware magnetic flyscreen curtain 2180 x 960mm Keeps out insects and bugs Auto closing magnetic curtain Easy to install Easy to clean Perfect for Caravan and Camping trailer
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Zone Hardware clear PVC door curtain 2000 x 900mm 0.5mm thick clear PVC strips
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Coloured PVC door curtain 2000x860mm (clear PVC curtain pictured)
Self adhesive screen insect patch, perfect for a quick repair to your fly screen or fly door. This patch is also perfect for your caravan or camping trailer repairs. Size: 100x80mm Includes 3 patches
25mm wide flyscreen roller cleaning brush
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
Adjustable PVC flyscreen with fibreglass flywire, 485mm to 925mm wide. Great for quick easy application and removal, no tools necessary. Can be used for horizontal or vertical application, light weight and water resistance.
* Section 6 - Flyscreen Fittings & Attachments
22 x 11mm Flyscreen frame sold in 2.5metre lengths. Uses corner FLY11 Corner. *please note some colours may incur a lead time* Check out 6-323 for other 11mm Flyscreen Frame.