Section 8 – Door Fittings & Attachments
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel jamb anchor clip suits Boral/Cyclone KM D series sliding doors.
Fixed panel sill anchor clip suits Boral/Cyclone KM D series sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel bottom anchor bracket suits old Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding door sill.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel bottom anchor bracket suits current Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding door sill.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel top anchor bracket suits Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding door.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel top anchor bracket suits Wunderlich 2V series sliding doors. This bracket suits doors sliding from right to left from outside (OX configuration).
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel bottom anchor bracket suits Wunderlich 2V series sliding door. This bracket suits doors sliding from right to left from outside (OX configuration).
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel top anchor bracket suits Wunderlich 2V series sliding doors. This bracket suits doors sliding from left to right from outside (XO configuration).
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel bottom anchor bracket suits Wunderlich 2V series sliding doors.This bracket suits doors sliding from left to right from outside (XO configuration).
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Australian Metal Products/Dowell MK5B ASD fixed panel head anchor.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
75mm white cushion door stop
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
75mm magnetic door stop – Chrome Plated. Comes with all the fixings required.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Quad ball track stop to suit tracks fitted with 1-2620 ball race assembly.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Polished brass kick down door stop.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Plastic sliding door top head guide.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Polished brass door holder.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Pelmet track door stop assembly.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding door stop assembly.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding door stop bracket used with 8-1180.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Flyscreen Door Grille Clips. Stainless steel flyscreen door grille clip
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Security Door Toe Guard. Plastic security door toe guard
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
White Hole Plug. White hole plug suits 10mm hole
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Boral/Dowell 4 Panel Door Bumper Block. 4 panel OXXO sash bumper block suits Boral/Dowell sliding glass doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Rubber Sliding Door Stop. Rubber sliding door sash bumper suits Wunderlich 2V series
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Rubber sliding door stop suits Boral/Dowell MK5C & AMP MK5B sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Extra large interlock safety end cap suit Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors with heavy duty interlock.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Large interlock safety end cap suit Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors with medium duty interlock.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Small interlock safety end cap suit Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors with standard duty interlock.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Fixed panel jamb anchor & cap suits Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
AMP MK5B Fixed Panel Interlock Block. Fixed panel interlock filler block suits AMP MK5B sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Black Hole Plug. Black plastic hole plug suits 8.5mm hole
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Boral/Dowell Hole Plug. Black plastic hole plug suits Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Boral/Dowell Vertical Stile Guide Button. Vertical stile guide/wear button suits Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Boral/Dowell/AMP Horizontal Rail Guide Button. Horizontal rail guide/wear button suits Boral/Dowell MK5C & AMP MK5B sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Boral/Dowell Fixed Panel Interlock Block. Fixed panel interlock filler block suits Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors
Plastic top guide to suit old Comalco 2C series sliding door.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
2 piece drain valve suits Boral/Dowell MK5C sliding doors. Also used with Boral BST & AMP MK7 sliding windows. Suits slot 26mm x 5.2mm.
Left hand top sash guide suits Wunderlich 2V series sliding doors. This item is no longer available. The 8-1420 set will replace this guide along with the 8-1410 right hand guide.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Right hand top sash guide suits Wunderlich 2V series sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding door guide set suits Wunderlich 2V series & Jason sliding doors. This set will replace 8-1400 & 8-1410.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding panel head guide suits Trimview aluminium sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Capral Fixed Panel Bracket. Fixed panel fixing bracket suits Capral 585 series sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Capral Security Stop Block. Sliding door security stop block suits Capral 585 series doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Fixed Panel Jamb Anchor Spacer. Fixed panel jamb anchor spacer block suits Capral Platinum sliding doors. Used with 8-131
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Interlock Filler Block. Fixed panel interlock filler block suits Capral Platinum sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Fixed Panel Retaining Bracket. Fixed panel head & sill retaining bracket suits Capral Platinum sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Rubber Door Stop. Rubber sliding door sash bumper suits Capral Platinum sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Large Screen Door Guide Button. Screen door guide/wear button suits Capral Platinum sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Flush Bolt Guide. Plastic flush bolt guide suits Capral Platinum french doors fitted with 11-139 flush bolts
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum French Door Spiggot. Plastic spiggot block suits Capral Platinum french doors
Plastic spiggot adaptor block suits double glazed Capral Platinum french doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Flush Bolt Receiver. Plastic flush bolt receiver suits Capral Platinum french doors fitted with 11-139 flush bolts
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Hole Plug. Black plastic hole plug suits Capral Platinum sliding & french doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Anti jamming block suits Capral 889 series sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Left hand weather strip end cap.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Right hand weather strip end cap.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum head / sill adhesive joint sealing gasket suits Capral Platinum sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Platinum Interlock Filler Block. Fixed panel interlock filler block suits Capral Platinum sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Height adjustable bottom pivot to suit internal timber bi-fold doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Bottom jamb pivot bracket to suit internal timber bi-fold doors. Used with 8-1780 pivot.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Spring loaded top guide roller for bi-fold doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Acme 2900 Series bi-fold door top pivot bracket.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Spring loaded top guide roller for bi-fold doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Metal sliding door stop with rubber bumper and screws. Suits top hung timber doors. 30mm W x 48mm H x 20mm L
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Cowdroy Barracuda bi-fold bottom pivot and bracket set. For full door kit see – 9-1250 Barracuda 2 Leaf Bi-Fold Track Set Used with top pivot set 8-1930 *Up to 13kg*
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Bi-fold door round flange bottom guide – 9mm dia.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Superfold bi-fold door hanger assembly, comes with mounting bracket, plastic sleeve and fixings.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Bi-fold door top track spring guide
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Bi-Fold door 11mm round top pivot & guide, used by Brio, Corinthian and Hume. Used in conjunction with 8-1910
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Adjustable Bi-fold Guide. Bi-fold door adjustable guide
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Cowdroy spring loaded bi-fold door square flange top guide. Used with 8-1930 top pivot set and bottom pivot set 8-1870 Found in Cowdroy Barracuda track set 9-1250.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Cowdroy Barracuda bi-fold door top pivot socket set. Set includes 8-1931 & 8-1932 Used with bottom pivot set 8-1870 Found in 9-1250 Barracuda 2 Leaf Bi-Fold Track Set
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Top pivot insert suits Cowdroy Barracuda bi-fold, used with 8-1932. For full top pivot set see 8-1930. Barracuda track kit 9-1250
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Top pivot socket suits Barracuda bi-fold, used with 8-1931. For full top pivot set see 8-1930. Barracuda track kit 9-1250
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Adjustable Wall Fix Door Guide. Adjustable wall fix guide suits internal timber sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Adjustable Floor Fix Door Guide. Adjustable floor fix guide suits internal timber sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Nylon sliding door floor guide suits internal timber doors. Used with 9-1300 Cowdroy Quad Ball, 9-1270 Cowdroy Arrow, 9-1280 & 9-1290 Cowdroy Centurion along with many others.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Adjustable bottom guide suits internal cavity sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Cavity Door Guide Set. Cavity internal sliding door guide set
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding Door/Wardrobe Guide. Sliding door floor guide suits internal timber doors and wardrobes
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding robe door floor guide suits Sylon.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding Door Guide. Sliding door floor guide suits internal timber doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding door floor guide suits internal timber sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Combination wall/architrave mounted adjustable sliding door floor guide suits internal timber sliding doors.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Sliding Door Stop. Plastic door stop suits internal timber sliding doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
DIAS plastic head guide set to suit sliding wardrobe panels.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Wardrobe Left Hand Panel Bracket. Left hand angle panel bracket suits wardrobe doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Wardrobe Right Hand Panel Bracket. Right hand angle panel bracket suits wardrobe doors
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Plastic head guide suits sliding wardrobes.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Plastic head guide set to suit sliding wardrobe panels.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Plastic head guide suits sliding wardrobes.
* Section 8 - Door Fittings & Attachments
Plastic head guide suits Cowdroy Cabinetmaker suite.