Sliding window carriage with nylon bearing roller suits AMP MK7 sliding windows.
This roller will replace 4-1460
See Rollerco part 4-1280 for alternative.
$10.06 incl. GST
* Section 4 - Window Rollers
Narrow window carriage & roller
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Suits older Dowell & Australian Metal Products (AMP) MK5B aluminium sliding doors with 38mm nylon roller. Replacement roller is 2-2230. Can also use 2-2150 or 2-2151.
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Suits older Dowell & Australian Metal Products (AMP) MK5B ASD with 32mm nylon roller.
* Section 1 - Door Roller Assemblies
Suits older Dowell & Australian Metal Products (AMP) MK5B aluminium sliding doors with nylon roller. Replacement roller is 2-2151
* Section 4 - Window Rollers
Sliding window carriage & roller suits Wunderlich 1W series sliding windows fitted with window catches 5-1000 or 5-1010. This roller superseded the earlier version with a flat roller 4-1111.
* Section 4 - Window Rollers
Sliding window carriage & roller suits Stegbar. Can also use Rollerco part 4-1170.
* Section 4 - Window Rollers
Carriage with roller & axle suits Comalco Wunderlich 1C series sliding windows. For replacement roller use Rollerco part 4-1030.
* Section 4 - Window Rollers
Sliding window carriage & roller suits Stegbar windows. This item will replace Rollerco part 4-1130.